Experience Authentic Thai Massage in Chiang Mai

Nestled within the mountainous contours of Northern Thailand, Chiang Mai is more than just a city of temples and traditions; it’s a sanctuary of holistic healing. For centuries, this ancient Lanna capital has been a nexus for the art of Thai massage, a therapeutic practice deeply intertwined with the city’s cultural fabric. As tales of blind monks with unparalleled healing touch and chants that amplify therapeutic effects echo through its historic alleyways, Chiang Mai beckons not just travelers, but seekers of genuine well-being. This article unveils the layers of this age-old art, guiding you through the dance of healing hands, the philosophy of energy lines, and the profound impact of a true Thai massage experience in the heart of Chiang Mai.

The Ancient Roots of Thai Massage in Chiang Mai

Centuries ago, nestled in the heart of the Lanna Kingdom, Chiang Mai emerged as a sanctuary for traditional Thai massage. This ancient art form traces its lineage back to the time of the Buddha, with some legends suggesting that the founder of Thai massage was none other than Shivago Komarpaj, a physician to the Buddha himself. As trade routes expanded and cultures intertwined, Chiang Mai became a melting pot of influences from India, China, and the traditional medicine practices of the indigenous hill tribes.

One captivating tale tells of a blind monk from the hills around Chiang Mai who was renowned for his unparalleled skill in massage therapy. Despite his inability to see, he could sense the energy flow in a person’s body with just a touch, adjusting his techniques to ensure harmony and balance. His fame spread far and wide, drawing in royalty and commoners alike to experience his healing touch.

Over time, the city’s temples became centers of learning for this therapeutic art. Wat Pho in Bangkok might be internationally recognized for its massage school today, but many argue that the true essence of traditional Thai massage remains preserved in the teakwood halls of Chiang Mai’s ancient wats (temples). Here, monks and local practitioners passed down their knowledge through generations, ensuring that the legacy of this healing art remained undiluted.

Today, as you walk through the old city’s moat-surrounded walls, the scent of lemongrass and jasmine might guide you to one of the many traditional massage schools. These institutions stand as a testament to Chiang Mai’s enduring commitment to preserving an art form that not only heals the body but also rejuvenates the soul.

The Philosophy Behind Thai Massage: Unraveling the Mysteries of Sen

Delving deeper into the intricacies of Thai massage, one encounters the profound concept of Sen. These are the energy lines that crisscross the human body, serving as pathways for life force or Prana. Ancient Thai healers believed that for optimal health and well-being, this energy must flow freely, without obstructions. Any blockage or disruption in the ‘Sen’ could lead to physical ailments or emotional imbalances.

The city of Chiang Mai, with its deep-rooted traditions, has always been a beacon for those seeking to understand and harness the power of Sen. Historically, the city’s master healers were often sought after to treat ailments that seemed mysterious to others. One such tale revolves around a healer named Mae Chee Boonruen. In the early 20th century, she became a legend in the region for her ability to diagnose and treat ailments simply by feeling a person’s Sen lines. People from distant villages would undertake arduous journeys, crossing dense forests and turbulent rivers, just to seek her expertise.

Mae Chee Boonruen’s approach was holistic. She believed that the body and mind were deeply interconnected. By addressing disruptions in the Sen, she not only alleviated physical pain but also brought emotional and spiritual healing to her patients. Her methods were a blend of massage, herbal remedies, and meditation.

The philosophy of Sen is not just about healing; it’s also about prevention. Traditional Thai massage techniques, especially those honed in Chiang Mai, focus on stimulating and balancing these energy lines. Through rhythmic pressing, stretching, and gentle twisting, practitioners aim to clear any blockages and ensure a harmonious flow of energy. This philosophy underscores the belief that health is not merely the absence of disease but a state of complete physical, mental, and social well-being.

In the bustling streets of Chiang Mai today, amidst the modern cafes and shops, one can still find pockets of tranquility where this ancient philosophy is practiced and revered. These oases serve as a reminder that in the ever-evolving tapestry of life, some threads remain timeless and invaluable.

Traditional Techniques and Practices: A Dance of Healing

The art of Thai massage, especially as practiced in Chiang Mai, is akin to a choreographed dance. Each movement, each pressure point, and each stretch is purposefully executed to bring about healing and rejuvenation. The techniques are a blend of wisdom passed down through generations and the unique touches added by individual practitioners.

One of the most distinctive techniques is the rhythmic pressing along the body’s energy lines. Using their thumbs, palms, elbows, knees, and even feet, therapists apply varying degrees of pressure to stimulate the ‘Sen’. This not only helps in releasing tension but also aids in improving blood circulation.

Stretching is another hallmark of Thai massage. Unlike some other massage forms where the recipient remains passive, Thai massage often involves the therapist moving the recipient’s body into various yoga-like postures. This active participation helps in enhancing flexibility and range of motion.

In the heart of Chiang Mai, there’s a tale of an old master named Lung Pae Charoen. He was known to have a unique twist to his massage techniques. Instead of the usual serene ambiance, Lung Pae Charoen would often hum traditional Lanna melodies during his sessions. Locals believed that his melodies, combined with his expert techniques, had a magical healing effect. People would often say they felt lighter, as if they were floating, after a session with him.

Another fascinating aspect of Thai massage in Chiang Mai is the use of herbal compresses. These are bundles of therapeutic herbs wrapped in cloth, steamed, and then applied to the body. The heat and the medicinal properties of the herbs work in tandem with the massage to provide relief from muscle pain, inflammation, and stress.

The culmination of a traditional Thai massage session is often a moment of stillness and reflection. Therapists might end the session with a gentle head massage or a soft chant, allowing the recipient a moment to absorb the benefits of the treatment and to reconnect with themselves.

In Chiang Mai, these age-old techniques are not just seen as methods of relaxation. They are deeply ingrained in the culture, a testament to the city’s commitment to holistic well-being and the preservation of traditions that have stood the test of time.

The Chiang Mai Massage Experience: A Journey Beyond the Senses

Stepping into a traditional massage setting in Chiang Mai is like entering a different realm. The ambiance is meticulously crafted to transport one to an era of ancient Lanna, away from the hustle and bustle of modern life. The scent of aromatic oils like jasmine, lemongrass, and sandalwood wafts through the air, immediately setting a tone of tranquility.

The settings often reflect the rich heritage of the city. Many massage centers are housed in age-old wooden structures, with intricate carvings and teakwood floors that whisper tales from centuries past. Soft, golden light filters through woven bamboo shades, casting gentle shadows that dance with the flicker of candle flames.

One particularly enchanting spa in Chiang Mai is said to be built around a centuries-old Bodhi tree. Legend has it that a revered monk once meditated under this tree, and his positive energy still lingers, enhancing the therapeutic effects of the massages given there.

Before the massage begins, recipients are often offered a warm cup of herbal tea, a blend of local herbs known for their calming properties. This ritual is more than just a gesture of hospitality; it signifies the beginning of a holistic healing journey.

The attire provided for the massage is another element rooted in tradition. Typically made of soft cotton, these garments allow for ease of movement and ensure the recipient’s comfort throughout the session. Before the massage commences, a ritual foot bath might be offered, using warm water infused with kaffir lime and other herbs, symbolizing a cleansing of the journey’s stresses and a preparation for the healing to come.

In Chiang Mai, the massage experience is not just about the physical touch. It’s an immersive journey that engages all the senses. From the melodic sounds of traditional Lanna instruments playing in the background to the taste of the herbal tea and the visual beauty of the surroundings, every element is thoughtfully curated.

One memorable story is of a traveler who, after a massage session in Chiang Mai, was so moved by the experience that she decided to extend her stay in the city for several months, immersing herself in learning the art. She often spoke of her sessions not as mere massages but as spiritual awakenings.

Such tales underscore the profound impact of the Chiang Mai massage experience. It’s a testament to the city’s ability to offer not just a service but a soulful journey that lingers long after the session has ended.

Health Benefits of Thai Massage: Beyond the Surface

The allure of Thai massage, especially as practiced in Chiang Mai, extends far beyond the immediate relaxation one feels during a session. Rooted in ancient wisdom, this therapeutic art offers a plethora of health benefits that cater to both the body and the mind.

Physically, Thai massage is known to enhance circulation. The rhythmic pressing and stretching techniques stimulate blood flow, ensuring that oxygen-rich blood reaches even the remotest tissues and muscles. This improved circulation can aid in faster recovery from muscle soreness and can invigorate tired limbs.

Muscle relaxation is another evident benefit. The unique combination of pressure application and stretching releases tension from tight muscles, making them supple and flexible. Over time, regular sessions can lead to improved posture and reduced muscle strain, particularly beneficial for those who spend long hours at desks or have physically demanding jobs.

But the magic of Thai massage doesn’t stop at the physical. Mentally, this practice is a balm for the weary mind. The serene ambiance of Chiang Mai’s massage centers, coupled with the therapist’s skilled touch, can significantly reduce stress levels. Many recipients report a sense of clarity and calmness post-session, with the weight of worries seeming to melt away.

A lesser-known but equally significant benefit is the potential improvement in sleep quality. The relaxation induced by the massage can lead to deeper, more restful sleep, allowing the body and mind to rejuvenate effectively.

There’s a heartwarming tale from Chiang Mai about an elderly gentleman named Somchai. For years, he suffered from chronic insomnia, with countless remedies proving futile. On the recommendation of a friend, he decided to try Thai massage. After just a few sessions, Somchai began to experience restful nights, something he hadn’t felt in years. Overjoyed, he became a regular at the massage center, often saying that the sessions gave him not just sleep, but dreams filled with vibrant colors and joy.

Such stories highlight the profound impact of Thai massage on overall well-being. In Chiang Mai, this practice is not viewed as a mere luxury or indulgence. It’s a holistic approach to health, a tradition that seamlessly blends the physical and the mental, offering benefits that resonate long after the massage is over.

Choosing a Massage School or Spa in Chiang Mai: A Guide to Authenticity

Chiang Mai, with its rich tapestry of history and culture, boasts numerous massage schools and spas, each offering its unique take on the traditional Thai massage. For a visitor or even a local, navigating this vast landscape can be daunting. However, with a discerning eye and a bit of knowledge, one can find places that truly embody the essence of this ancient art.

Authenticity is paramount. Genuine establishments often have a lineage, tracing their practices back to ancient traditions. Some schools and spas in Chiang Mai have been in operation for generations, with knowledge passed down from master to apprentice. These places prioritize preserving the purity of the art over commercial gains.

Reviews and testimonials can be invaluable. While modern technology has brought about a surge in online reviews, word-of-mouth recommendations remain golden. A spa that consistently receives praise for its ambiance, techniques, and therapists’ expertise is likely a gem.

Certifications matter. Reputable massage schools in Chiang Mai often offer courses accredited by recognized Thai massage associations or the Thai Ministry of Education. These certifications ensure that the teachings adhere to established standards and that students receive a comprehensive education.

One enchanting story revolves around the Baan Phaew Lanna Spa, tucked away in a quiet alley of Chiang Mai. Founded by a woman named Malai, the spa is renowned for its authenticity. Malai learned the art from her grandmother, who was a healer in a remote village. Instead of modern marketing tactics, Baan Phaew Lanna Spa relied on the sheer quality of its services. Over time, it became an open secret among locals and discerning travelers. The spa doesn’t just offer massages; it provides an experience steeped in tradition, right from the welcome drink to the gentle bow at the end of a session.

Another factor to consider is the range of services offered. While traditional Thai massage is the centerpiece, many authentic spas in Chiang Mai also offer treatments like herbal compress therapy, Tok Sen (a unique therapy using wooden tools), and even traditional Lanna dance performances.

In conclusion, while Chiang Mai offers a plethora of choices for those seeking a massage experience, finding the authentic heart of this tradition requires a blend of research, recommendations, and intuition. The journey to discover such a place becomes a part of the enriching experience, culminating in a massage session that resonates with the soul of ancient Lanna.


The 10 Best Traditional Thai Massage & Spa in Chiang Mai

Fah Lanna Spa

Description: A beautifully Thai-designed spa offering a vast menu of treatments including their signature treatments, beauty treatments, waxing treatments, and spa packages.

Location: 57,57/1 Wiang Kaew Road, Chiang Mai 50200

Today, this spa salon has three branches: in the Old Town, on Nimmman, and at the Night Bazaar. Click on the link to see all three locations and choose the most convenient for you – Google Map


  • 60-minute Thai massage: ฿700
  • 60-minute reflexology foot massage: ฿800
  • 60-minute head, back, and shoulder massage: ฿900

The Oasis Spa

Description: A renowned spa in Thailand offering a distinct Lanna-style experience.

Location: 4 Samlan Road, Chiang Mai 50200, Google Map


  • 120-minute Thai massage: ฿1,700
  • 60-minute foot reflexology: ฿1,200
  • 60-minute Thai herbal hot compress massage: ฿1,200

Perception Blind Massage

Description: A social enterprise offering massages by visually impaired therapists.

Location: 278 Thapae Road, Chiang Mai 50300, Google Map


  • 60-minute Thai massage: ฿450 | 120 minutes: ฿800
  • 60-minute foot massage: ฿450 | 90 minutes: ฿600
  • 60-minute aromatherapy: ฿1,000 | 120 minutes: ฿1,800

The Giving Tree

Description: A massage parlor in the heart of Old City with attentive staff.

Location: 5/13 Soi 7 Ratchadamnoen Road, Chiang Mai 50200, Google Map


  • 60-minute Thai massage: ฿300 | 120 minutes: ฿550
  • 60-minute aroma oil massage: ฿400 | 120 minutes: ฿800
  • 60-minute foot massage: ฿250

Temple Massages at Wat Pan Whaen and Wat Sum Pao

Description: Temples that offer affordable Thai massages.

Location: Wat Pan Whaen Massage, Chiang Mai 50200, Google Map

Price: 60-minute Thai massage: ฿150

Chiang Mai Women’s Correctional Institute

Description: A unique experience offering massages by former and current inmates.

Location: Si Phum, Chiang Mai 50200, Google Map


  • 60-minute Thai massage: ฿200
  • 60-minute foot massage: ฿200

Lila Thai Massage

Description: An ex-inmate employment and skill development center with various massage services.

Location: Ratchapakhinai branch, Chiang Mai 50200, Google Map


  • 60-minute foot massage: ฿250
  • 60-minute Thai body massage: ฿250
  • 60-minute back, neck, and shoulder massage: ฿250

Naruncha Beauty & Massage

Description: An affordable massage parlor with skilled masseuses.

Location: 130/1 Ratchaphakhinai Road, Chiang Mai 50200


  • 60-minute Thai massage: ฿249 (promotion price: ฿200)
  • 60-minute foot massage: ฿249 (promotion price: ฿200)
  • 60-minute oil massage: ฿299

Nimman House Thai Massage

Description: A luxury massage parlor without the hefty price tag.

Location: 59/8 ถนน นิมมานเหมินท์, Chiang Mai 50200, Google Map


  • 60-minute Thai massage relaxing light: ฿250
  • 60-minute Thai massage with nerve touch: ฿350
  • 60-minute foot massage: ฿250

Arayana Thai Massage

Description: One of the best spas in Chiang Mai offering a variety of treatments.

Location: 5/6 Sainamphung, Sirimangalajan Rd, Chiang Mai 50200, Google Map


  • 60-minute Thai massage: ฿350
  • 60-minute foot massage: ฿350
  • 60-minute Aromatherapy: ฿900

Let's do it

Traditional Thai Massage

Preparation Steps:

1. Reserve a slot: Begin by booking a massage appointment either online or by visiting one of the numerous massage parlors in Chiang Mai known for offering traditional Thai massage.

2. Get there early: Arrive at the massage parlor a few minutes before the scheduled appointment to calm down and acclimate to the environment.

3. Wear comfortable clothes: You won’t need to undress as Thai massage is done fully clothed. Therefore, wear loose, stretchy, and comfortable clothing.

During the Massage:

4. Consultation with a therapist: The masseuse will likely ask about any health problems, injuries, or stress points that need special attention.

5. Beginning the massage: The massage usually begins from the feet, with the person being massaged laying flat on a mat on the floor. Yogic breathing techniques are used to synchronize and facilitate a calming environment.

6. Employing ancient techniques: The masseuse applies gentle pressure with her thumbs, hands, and elbows along energy lines, known as ‘sen’ in Thai. This stimulates blood circulation and reduces muscle tension.

7. Performing assisted Yoga Asanas: With the help of the therapist, you’ll be guided into various yoga positions to stretch your body. This can include pulling your fingers, toes, ears, cracking the knuckles, walking on the recipient’s back, and moving the body into many different positions.

Post-Massage Steps:

8. Deep relaxation: After the massage, take some time to enjoy the peace and relaxation before moving.

9. Hydration: Drink plenty of water post-massage to flush out the toxins from your body.

10. Paying: Once done, pay the masseuse and don’t forget to tip if you were happy with their service.


– The traditional Thai massage can be a bit intense for the uninitiated, so communicate with your masseuse during the session regarding your comfort level and if any pressure feels too much.

– Not all massage therapists are trained in traditional Thai massage – ensure you go to a reputable spa in Chiang Mai that specializes in this practice.

Following the steps outlined above will help guide you on a journey through the ancient healing arts of Traditional Thai Massage in Chiang Mai. It’s an experience you should not miss, allowing a deeper connection to Thai culture as well as a rejuvenated body and mind.

Traditional Thai SPA

  1. Research and Choose Your SPA: Start by researching on different spas in Chiang Mai that offer traditional Thai spa treatments. Look at reviews, pricing, and the variety of services offered. Some popular choices are Fah Lanna Spa, Oasis Spa Chiang Mai, and Cheeva Spa.
  2. Schedule an Appointment: Once you have chosen your spa, book an appointment. Most spas offer online booking systems, or you can call ahead. Try to book your appointment at least a few days in advance to ensure your preferred time slot.
  3. Arrive Early: On the day of your appointment, arrive at least 15 minutes early. This will give you time to fill out any necessary paperwork, change into a spa robe, and relax before your treatment begins.
  4. Preparation: After checking in, you will be led to the waiting area where you can enjoy a cup of herbal tea. This is designed to start the relaxation process even before your treatment begins.
  5. Consultation: You will then be asked to fill in a consultation form that outlines any medical conditions, allergies, or specific areas you want the therapist to focus on.
  6. The Treatment Room: After your consultation, you will be escorted to your treatment room. This will be a tranquil, softly lit room with soothing music to help you relax.
  7. Traditional Thai Massage: Your therapist will use a combination of compression, stretching, and assisted yoga postures. No oil or lotion is used. You will be provided with a loose-fitting traditional Thai outfit to wear during the session.
  8. Post-Massage Relaxation: Once your massage is complete, take some time to gather yourself. The therapist will leave the room to let you rest for a few minutes. When you’re ready, slowly get up and change back into your clothes.
  9. Hydrate and Rest: Post-massage, drink plenty of water to help flush out the toxins that were released during your session. Try not to engage in any strenuous activities for the rest of the day.
  10. Provide Feedback: After your session, you’ll get a chance to provide feedback. This will help the spa improve their services and cater better to your needs during future visits.
  11. Repeat: Book regular sessions for the best results. Repeating this experience will allow you to truly immerse yourself in the traditional Thai spa culture and will definitely enhance any visit to Chiang Mai.

Remember, a traditional Thai spa experience in Chiang Mai is not just about the massage, it’s about holistic healing and relaxation. It’s a journey into ancient healing arts that can provide numerous health and wellness benefits. Enjoy your journey into this ancient and still relevant practice!

Etiquette and Tips for First-Timers: Navigating the Sacred Rituals

Embarking on a Thai massage journey in Chiang Mai is not just about physical relaxation; it’s a spiritual and cultural immersion. As with any tradition steeped in history, there are etiquettes and practices that enhance the experience for both the recipient and the therapist. For those unfamiliar with these customs, understanding and respecting them can transform a simple massage session into a profound encounter.

Preparation is key. Before the massage, it’s advisable to take a shower or a bath. This not only cleanses the body but also symbolizes the shedding of external stresses, preparing the mind and spirit for the healing process. Many traditional spas in Chiang Mai provide facilities for this purpose, often accompanied by herbal infusions that elevate the cleansing ritual.

Upon arrival, shoes are typically left at the entrance. This act is more than just about cleanliness; it’s a symbolic gesture, leaving the outside world behind and stepping into a sanctuary of healing.

Communication with the therapist is essential. While they are trained to read the body’s cues, vocalizing any discomfort or specific needs ensures a tailored experience. However, it’s also important to approach the session with an open mind. Some techniques, especially stretches, might be unfamiliar but are integral to the massage’s efficacy.

One intriguing tale from Chiang Mai speaks of a renowned therapist named Lek. She was known for her intuitive approach, often pausing mid-session to chant softly. First-timers, unaware of this practice, would sometimes be taken aback. However, those in the know cherished these moments, believing that Lek’s chants amplified the massage’s healing properties.

Respecting the conclusion ritual is crucial. At the end of the session, it’s customary to lie still for a few moments, absorbing the benefits and allowing the body and mind to realign. The therapist might conclude with a gentle bow or a soft chant, a gesture of gratitude and blessing.

Tipping, while not mandatory, is a kind gesture, especially if the service was exceptional. It’s a way of acknowledging the therapist’s skill and dedication to the craft.

In the heart of Chiang Mai, where traditions are held sacred, understanding and respecting the etiquettes of Thai massage enriches the experience manifold. It becomes more than just a treatment; it’s a dance of energies, a communion of souls, and a journey into the depths of ancient Lanna wisdom.

Our Conclusion

Chiang Mai, with its ancient temples, bustling markets, and serene landscapes, holds a secret that transcends its physical beauty. Nestled within its historic walls is a tradition of healing that has been nurtured and preserved for centuries. The art of Thai massage, as practiced in this northern gem, is not merely a series of techniques; it’s a testament to a culture’s reverence for holistic well-being.

The tales of master healers, like the blind monk who could sense energy with a mere touch or Lek with her intuitive chants, are not just stories; they are fragments of a living legacy. These narratives, passed down through generations, serve as reminders of the profound impact a genuine Thai massage can have on the body, mind, and spirit.

The journey through Chiang Mai’s massage traditions reveals more than just the benefits of stretching and pressure points. It unveils a philosophy of life, where balance, harmony, and mindfulness are not just ideals but practices embedded in daily rituals. The meticulous attention to ambiance, the sacred etiquettes, and the deep respect for the craft all converge to create an experience that resonates at multiple levels.

In a world that often races ahead, forgetting the wisdom of the past, Chiang Mai stands as a beacon, illuminating the path to genuine well-being. The city invites not just tourists but seekers, offering them a touch that heals, rejuvenates, and, most importantly, connects them to a tradition that time has not eroded.

As the golden hues of the setting sun cast a warm glow over the city, one can almost hear the gentle hum of ancient Lanna melodies, a reminder that in Chiang Mai, the art of Thai massage is not just a service; it’s a celebration of life itself.


Chiang Mai, especially the Mueang Chiang Mai district and the Chiang Mai Old Town, is deeply rooted in the traditions of the Lanna Kingdom. This northern city of Chiang Mai offers a blend of traditional Thai massages, luxury spa treatments, and modern techniques, making it a top choice spa destination.

There are many massage places in Chiang Mai that offer exceptional service. Fah Lanna Massage, located near the Chiang Mai Night Bazaar, and Lila Thai Massage’s centers are among the most renowned. The Old Medical Hospital Thai Massage School also offers services and is known for its deep understanding of massage techniques.

Absolutely! Mueang Chiang Mai district, particularly in Chiang Mai Old Town, is dotted with numerous massage centers. Thong Phaya Lanna Massage and Chinola Massage are among the best massage places in Chiang Mai. Whether you’re looking for a traditional Thai massage, aromatherapy oil massage, or deep tissue oil massage, you’ll find a plethora of options.

Chiang Mai boasts several luxury spas that have even won World Luxury Spa Awards. For a signature massage and top-notch spa treatments, Fah Lanna Massage is a must-visit. If you’re looking for a spa experience in the heart of Chiang Mai, the Northern City of Chiang Mai offers many options.

Chiang Mai offers a diverse menu of traditional massages. From proper Thai massages to reflexology, deep tissue oil massage, aromatherapy oil massage, and even full body massage. Many massage centers also use Thai herbs to enhance the experience.

Yes, several massage centers in Chiang Mai offer home massage service. It’s a convenient option for those who prefer the comfort of their accommodation. Always ensure you’re choosing trained massage professionals for the best experience.

Lila Thai Massage is renowned for its service and massage quality. They employ former inmates, providing them with training and employment opportunities. Their therapists have a thorough knowledge of massage techniques and the body, ensuring one of the best massages you can get in the city.

Yes, the Chiang Mai Night Bazaar area has many massage shops. Fah Lanna Massage is a popular choice in the vicinity. Whether you’re looking for a Thai traditional massage or a more contemporary spa treatment, you’ll find plenty of options near the bazaar.

Many massage centers in Chiang Mai offer deep tissue massages. Thong Phaya Lanna Massage and Chinola Massage are known for their thorough massage techniques. Always communicate your preferences to the massage therapist for the best experience.

A massage focuses on manipulating the body’s soft tissues, while a spa offers a range of treatments, including massages, facials, and other relaxation therapies.

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