9 Must-Visit Sites Around Doi Chang

Doi Chang, a picturesque treasure tucked away in the Chiang Rai region of Northern Thailand, is a destination that seamlessly blends the raw beauty of nature with the rich tapestry of Thai culture. As a seasoned traveler, I have found this idyllic corner of the world to be a memorable stop that offers a unique combination of breathtaking landscapes, refreshing cultural experiences, and unparalleled tranquility.

The journey to Doi Chang is a riveting adventure in itself. As your vehicle ascends the curvy mountain roads, you are presented with an ever-changing canvas of Thailand’s stunning natural beauty. Verdant hills, serene valleys, and the occasional glimpse of exotic fauna make the drive a mesmerizing prelude to the charm that awaits you at Doi Chang.

Once at the heart of Doi Chang village, a multitude of experiences await. The locale takes pride in its famed Doi Chang coffee plantation, where the process of transforming a humble coffee bean into a rich and aromatic brew unfolds. It’s an enlightening journey that lets you appreciate the meticulous art of coffee making, culminating in a taste of some of the finest brews that Thailand boasts.

A stone’s throw away, you will find the tranquil Buddhist Park, a peaceful sanctuary nestled amidst the tropical landscape. Whether you’re seeking spiritual insight or simply a place to reflect, the park’s serene ambience provides a calming retreat.

Then, there are the stunning mountain peak views, which truly encapsulate Doi Chang’s captivating beauty. The panoramic vistas of lush hills and valleys unfurling beneath you, seen from the summit, are nothing short of magical.

Join me as we venture into the captivating realm of Doi Chang – exploring its bountiful beauty, experiencing its rich culture, and discovering the tranquility it has to offer. This mountainous retreat in Northern Thailand promises to be an unforgettable chapter in our ongoing journey of travel and exploration.

Doi Chang Viewpoint

Doi Chang Viewpoint is a tourist attraction site in Wa Wee, Chiang Rai Province. The mountain peak is the spot if you want the best view overlooking the magnificent mountains and gorgeous coffee plants. The location is slightly further up the hill from Temple Park, also known as Buddhist Park. If you rent a motorbike in Chiang Mai, it’s very easy to get here from anywhere in the city. You can enjoy a night or two or glamping and watching the sparkling stars at night.

If you want to visit the viewpoint with a sign saying that you are on the border with Burma, then you should visit Doi Chang Mub. Check it out on Google Map. It is close to Doi Tung which you can visit on the same day.

The busiest times around this site happen between November to January. People are day-tripping and glamping and enjoying the quiet nights and good food. There are also hill tribe homestays for those who wish to experience an immersive local and cultural experience in their traditional bamboo houses and prepare meals together.

Something to keep in mind is the roads are not always correctly displayed on google maps. Sometimes the road goes downhill, but if you continue, it leads you to a stunning vantage point.

Buddhist Park

The Buddhist Park, also called the Temple Park, is a regular favorite among tourists who explore the Doi Chang area. It is located higher up the mountain from the village. A local monk rehabilitated the site over several years and brought many unique and impressive plant species, like beautiful bamboo that runs through and surrounds the park.

The Buddhist Park allows you to enjoy a natural forest, a curated bamboo garden, exotic trees, and macadamia plantations. Whether you want to take a walk through and catch some beautiful photos, take a moment to meditate, pray, do some yoga, heal, or simply observe, you will find calmness and a sense of peace that you have never experienced before.

Doi Chang Buddhist Park is even more special for Buddhists to experience the Buddha site with holy fountains and Buddha statues. The location is unique and prevails a natural spiritual awakening for people from all walks of life. The forest with bamboo trees, streams of water, and little ponds allow for a calm and quiet experience.

Check it out on Google Map.

Doi Chaang Coffee Estate

Not to be mistaken with Doi Chang the village, Doi Chaang is the company that runs the coffee trading business. It is the central success story regarding the commercialization of Arabica coffee production. When coffee plants were introduced in the region as a replacement crop for opium, the growth increased, but the production slowly languished.

That happened due to the lack of real market and industry knowledge. The Doi Chaang Coffee founders helped to solve the problem by taking over the coffee plantation and creating an export market and successful Doi Chaang chain brand in several parts throughout Thailand.

You can visit the Doi Chaang Coffee Café in Doi Chang village and tour the Estate during weekdays or as per the availability. You get to see and enjoy the coffee roasting process and possibly get some tasters. The Doi Chaang coffee shop is a must-visit to try out their delicious drinks.

Doi Chang Coffee Farm

The coffee farm is the heart of Doi Chang. This is where you will land when making a trip to the village. It is also where you can enjoy the Doi Chaang coffee shop and see the beautiful plantations of coffee. If you book a tour, that will cover everything you need to see, but if you go independently, it is a good idea to chat with one of the locals and absorb more of their culture.

When you get to Doi Chaang Farm, you immediately find the coffee house of the Doi Chaang Coffee franchise. They have a lovely, simple menu to indulge in. It is a little wooden house with an open-air design and an upper floor overlooking a beautiful view with a fresh breeze.

On the farm, you can pass through the coffee plantation trees. As an independent visitor, you can walk around and enjoy a slow pace taking in everything you see. If you book a tour ahead of time, you can get more structure of what to do there, look out for, and possibly take in a little more local culture and information.

You will notice individual families plant the coffee in little pots. They care deeply for the plants and ensure the production of high-quality organic coffee. Everything at Doi Chaang Farm is natural, uncommercialized, and unstandardized.

Doi Chang Academy Of Coffee

The Doi Chaang Academy of Coffee, first established on April 2007, provides in-depth information about the plantation and processing of Arabica coffee to people growing coffee in Thailand and surrounding countries.

The Academy is located on the farm in the village, just behind the official Doil Chaang Coffee House, and tourists can enter it and take pictures while absorbing the information. It is a small space, museum-style, which provides you with all you need to know about growing coffee in that region of Thailand.

Mae Suai Lake

The Mae Suai Lake is beautiful and one of the most scenic you will see in the entire country of Thailand. Impressive rock formations surround it. You can view it from high up the slopes and be mesmerized from every angle with every blink. The southern shore has a stunning temple and dam that is well worth seeing. You can get the most incredible pictures there.

The lake is not far from Doi Chang, and you can make your way there by visiting Mae Suai town, which is around 50 km from Chiang Rai on the way to Doi Chang if you take the southern route. The lake is just 3 km north of the town. The road to Doi Chang from the lake is jaw-dropping. At every curve, and the higher you go, you can find a phenomenal mountainous viewpoint.

Things To Do Around Doi Chang

Chiang Rai

Chiang Rai, often mistaken as the same place as Chiang Mai (they are different), is a city and the Northern part of Thailand. Chiang Rai is also the northernmost province known for its mountainous scenery and valuable Lanna culture. It is also home to Doi Chang village, situated in the northern highlands and the Golden triangle (border regions of Thailand, Burma, and Laos).

There is much to explore within Chiang Rai, especially before or after you visit the Doi Chang village. Some exciting stops along the way also exist to make on your trip to Doi Chang from Chiang Rai.

White Temple

The White Temple in Thailand is located over the sea of hands and reflects in the surrounding ponds of albino fish. An artist – Ajarn Chalermchai Kositpipat, built the temple. He is also a teacher and devoted his life to the project, which truly shows in the stunning architecture and unique concept.

It is called The White Temple because it is pure white. There are tiny mirrors that shine extremely bright on sunny days. Japanese fish (koi carp) live in the water and fountains surrounding the temple. Additionally, weird statue hands surround the temple – reaching up to the sky. It is a sign of tribulations and temptations.

Similarly, you can find weird and eerie skulls on trees near the temple. It is a sight to see – from the temple to the water and even the odd interpretations. The White Temple is a must-visit and unique experience to enjoy while you are around Chiang Rai in Thailand.

Black House

Chiang Rai might not be as touristy as Chiang Mai. Most people visit Chiang Rai only to make their way to Doi Chang, but the city has some monumental locations that would be a shame to leave without seeing. Apart from the White Temple, about 7 km south of it, the Black House is one of those places.

The Black House is called Baan Dam, built by Thawan Duchanee – Kositpipat’s former teacher. About forty monuments make up the location, including bones, skulls, skeletons, animal skin, and bizarre furniture. The house might give you some Adams Family vibes from the outside, but once you get near, it will feel even spookier.

On the grounds of the Black House, you can find what looks like a black submarine, and you probably don’t want to look inside – unless you do – or you will see something like a torture chamber. Thawan wanted to create a unique style portraying quirkiness. It is undoubtedly not for the faint-hearted, but a site you can’t leave without checking out.

Quick Facts About Doi Chang

  1. Location: Doi Chang is located in Chiang Rai Province, Northern Thailand.
  2. Altitude: It sits at an elevation ranging from 1,200 to 1,800 meters above sea level.
  3. Famous For: The area is renowned for its high-quality coffee plantations and is one of the leading coffee-producing regions in Thailand.
  4. Climate: Characterized by a mild and temperate climate, with cool weather prevailing most of the year, especially at higher altitudes.
  5. Coffee Production:
    • Type of Coffee: Primarily known for Arabica coffee beans.
    • Sustainable Practices: Emphasis on organic farming and sustainable agriculture practices.
  6. Doi Chang Village: The central hub of the area, home to the Akha hill tribe, known for their unique culture and traditional lifestyle.
  7. Cultural Aspects:
    • Ethnic Groups: Predominantly inhabited by the Akha people, who have maintained their traditional customs and way of life.
    • Handicrafts: Visitors can find unique handicrafts made by local artisans, including textiles and wood carvings.
  8. Tourism:
    • Coffee Tours: Opportunities to tour coffee plantations and learn about the coffee production process.
    • Trekking and Hiking: Numerous trails offer scenic views and a chance to explore the natural beauty of the region.
    • Homestays: Available for visitors looking to experience local life.
  9. Economic Significance: Coffee production has significantly contributed to the economic development of the region and improved the livelihoods of local farmers.
  10. Biodiversity: The area boasts rich biodiversity, including various species of flora and fauna unique to this mountainous region.
  11. Accessibility: Accessible by road, with the nearest major city being Chiang Rai. The journey offers picturesque views but can involve winding and steep roads.
  12. Accommodation: Ranges from basic homestays to more comfortable guesthouses, catering to different budget levels.
  13. Food: Local cuisine features Thai and Akha dishes, often prepared with fresh, locally-grown ingredients.
  14. Best Time to Visit: The ideal time for a visit is during the dry season, from November to April, when the weather is most favorable for outdoor activities.
  15. Local Festivals: Various local festivals occur throughout the year, offering insights into the cultural heritage of the Akha people.
  16. Conservation Efforts: There are initiatives to preserve the natural environment and promote sustainable tourism.
  17. Photography Opportunities: The region offers stunning landscapes and cultural scenes, making it a popular destination for photographers.

Travel Tips

Traveling to Doi Chang in Northern Thailand can be a memorable experience, especially for those interested in coffee culture, nature, and hill tribe communities. Here are detailed tips to help travelers enjoy their visit:
  1. Understand the Best Time to Visit:
    • The dry season, from November to April, is ideal for comfortable weather and outdoor activities.
    • Coffee harvesting season (November to January) is particularly fascinating for those interested in coffee production.
  2. Transportation:
    • Renting a car or motorcycle from Chiang Rai is recommended for flexibility and ease of access.
    • Be prepared for winding and sometimes steep roads; drive cautiously.
  3. Accommodation:
    • Options range from homestays with local families to guesthouses and small resorts.
    • Booking in advance is advised, especially during peak tourist seasons and festivals.
  4. Cultural Sensitivity:
    • Respect local customs and traditions, especially when visiting hill tribe villages.
    • Dress modestly and ask for permission before taking photos of local people and their homes.
  5. Coffee Plantation Tours:
    • Join a guided tour to learn about coffee cultivation and processing.
    • Some tours offer coffee tastings and barista workshops.
  6. Packing Essentials:
    • Bring warm clothing as temperatures can drop, especially in the evenings and mornings.
    • Hiking shoes are a must if you plan to explore trails and plantations.
    • Rain gear is helpful during the rainy season (May to October).
  7. Local Cuisine:
    • Try local dishes, many of which incorporate fresh, locally-grown coffee and other produce.
    • Ensure to drink bottled or boiled water.
  8. Trekking and Outdoor Activities:
    • Explore the natural beauty of the area through trekking; there are trails suitable for various fitness levels.
    • Stay hydrated and inform your accommodation or guide of your trekking plans.
  9. Language Barrier:
    • Knowing basic Thai phrases can be very helpful.
    • Not many locals speak fluent English, so a translation app or a phrasebook might come in handy.
  10. Responsible Tourism:
    • Support the local economy by purchasing goods and services locally.
    • Be environmentally conscious, dispose of waste properly, and respect wildlife and nature.
  11. Health and Safety:
    • Carry a basic first aid kit for minor injuries.
    • Be aware of your health insurance coverage and local medical facilities.
  12. Stay Connected:
    • Wi-Fi may be available in guesthouses and some cafes, but it’s wise to have a local SIM card for better coverage.
    • Remote areas may have limited connectivity.
  13. Cash and Expenses:
    • Carry sufficient cash as ATMs might be scarce, and many places do not accept credit cards.
    • Expenses in Doi Chang are generally lower than in Thailand’s major cities.
  14. Respect Wildlife and Nature:
    • When exploring natural areas, maintain a safe and respectful distance from wildlife.
    • Avoid feeding wild animals and adhere to guidelines when in protected areas.
By following these tips, travelers can ensure a more enriching and respectful experience in Doi Chang, appreciating its unique cultural and natural offerings.

Pros & Cons

Traveling to Doi Chang, known for its serene landscapes and rich coffee culture, offers a unique experience. However, like any destination, it has its own advantages and drawbacks. Here are some pros and cons to consider:


  1. Coffee Culture: Doi Chang is renowned for its high-quality Arabica coffee. Visitors can tour coffee plantations and learn about the coffee production process.
  2. Natural Beauty: The area boasts stunning mountainous landscapes, ideal for nature lovers and photographers.
  3. Cultural Immersion: Home to the Akha hill tribe, offering travelers an opportunity to experience their rich culture and traditions.
  4. Mild Climate: The high elevation results in a cooler climate, providing a pleasant escape from Thailand’s typically hot weather.
  5. Outdoor Activities: Opportunities for trekking, bird watching, and exploring nature trails abound.
  6. Sustainable Tourism: Many initiatives focus on sustainable and eco-friendly practices, appealing to environmentally conscious travelers.
  7. Authentic Thai Experience: Less commercialized than more popular Thai destinations, offering a more authentic and tranquil experience.
  8. Local Crafts and Cuisine: The region offers unique local handicrafts and fresh, locally-sourced food, including dishes influenced by Akha cuisine.


  1. Accessibility: Located in a remote area, it can be challenging to access, especially for those not comfortable with driving on mountain roads.
  2. Limited Transportation Options: Public transportation to and from Doi Chang is limited, making travel logistics potentially complicated.
  3. Basic Amenities: Accommodations and facilities might be basic, lacking certain comforts and luxuries.
  4. Limited English: The language barrier can be an issue, as English is not widely spoken, especially in the rural areas.
  5. Limited Medical Facilities: In case of a medical emergency, the nearest advanced medical facilities are in Chiang Rai.
  6. Seasonal Restrictions: The rainy season (May to October) can make outdoor activities less enjoyable due to heavy rains and potential mudslides.
  7. Limited Nightlife and Entertainment: The area is quiet with limited options for nightlife and urban entertainment.
  8. Connectivity Issues: Wi-Fi and mobile service can be spotty in remote areas, which might be a concern for those needing constant connectivity.
Understanding these pros and cons can help travelers prepare better for their trip to Doi Chang, ensuring they have a realistic expectation of what the journey entails and can fully enjoy the unique experiences this destination has to offer.


Doi Chang is a gorgeous mountain village to tour the Doi Chaang coffee plantations and enjoy delicious caffeine drinks while learning more about the hill tribe families and getting insight into local culture and cuisine. Take a trip through stunning views from the city and province of Chiang Rai after enjoying some of its sites and other stops along the way.

If you are traveling around the province of Chiang Rai, then in this case you can visit not only Doi Chang, but also other delightful and amazing places that are nearby. For example, Doi Ang Khang and Mae Salong.

YT Review

Route 5047 - Doi Chang Road

Before you go to Doi Chang, get to know this wonderful place by watching this video. Among other things, you will find out what condition the roads are in and how heavy the traffic is in these places.

History of Doi Chaang Coffee

This video will tell you in detail about how one of the most famous coffee bean growing and processing companies appeared in the Kingdom of Thailand.


Doi Chang, nestled in Thailand’s Northern region, became a renowned coffee growing area in the 1980s. An initiative backed by the Thai Royal Project helped transform it from opium cultivation to sustainable coffee farming, dramatically changing the lives of local hill tribes.

The high altitude, cool climate, and fertile soil of Doi Chang are ideal for Arabica coffee. These beans have a distinctive, full-bodied flavor with low acidity and notes of chocolate and nuts.

The switch to coffee cultivation has significantly improved the living standards of the Akha community living in Doi Chang. It’s provided a stable income, promoting community development and reducing reliance on illicit crops.

Yes, some plantations offer hands-on experiences where you can learn about the cultivation process, harvest coffee cherries, and understand the journey from bean to cup.

The coffee harvest season typically runs from November to February, which is also the best time for plantation visits.

Yes, guided tours are available. They often include a walk through the coffee plantation, a visit to the processing facilities, and of course, coffee tasting.

Doi Chang is rich in natural beauty. Aside from the scenic coffee plantations, you can explore local hiking trails, bird watching, and immerse yourself in the tranquility of the mountainous landscape.

There are numerous cafes around Doi Chang offering fresh, locally-grown coffee. Doi Chang Coffee House and Akha Ama Coffee are two well-regarded spots for a great coffee experience.

While there’s not a specific coffee festival, the region often celebrates local harvests. Keep an eye out for local event listings during the harvest season.

There are a variety of accommodations, from homestays that offer an authentic experience, to comfortable lodges and guest houses.

Coffee beans or ground coffee from Doi Chang make excellent souvenirs. Additionally, you might find handmade crafts from the local Akha tribe that make unique mementos.

You can visit local Akha villages to learn about their culture, explore nearby waterfalls, or hike mountain trails for breathtaking views. The region offers a peaceful escape from the hustle and bustle of city life.

Experience the beauty of Northern Thailand with our detailed travel guides. Highlighting the top scenic routes and local attractions, our guides are designed to make your trip extraordinary. Start by visiting our motorbike rental in Chiang Mai homepage and review our terms and conditions for a seamless experience. Equipped with this knowledge, you can explore charming villages and scenic mountain trails with confidence.

Our travel advice sections provide essential tips for navigating different terrains and understanding local customs. Discover the best times to visit major attractions, participate in cultural events, and get recommendations on the best local cuisine. These insights will make your journey richer and more enjoyable. Let us help you uncover the true essence of Northern Thailand, ensuring a safe and memorable adventure filled with unique experiences and stunning scenery.

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